Monday, April 22, 2013

Integration clauses in form contracts.

In earlier posts, I discussed things to look for in a basic contract, and tips for when you contract with larger companies. Those are all good, but there are a few other items that you should know about when contracting. This post will introduce integration clauses, which are found in most contracts. An integration clause is "boilerplate," which means that it is found in almost all form contracts without negotiation.

Sometimes, an integration clause is prominently noted in a contract. Sometimes it is not. It typically states that any oral or other agreement between the parties is ineffective, unless it is contained in the signed contract. Modifications to a contract after it is signed may still be effective, depending on the facts and the law of the jurisdiction in which you are located. An integration clause is only effective for agreements leading up to and at the time of the contract's signing.

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